GW1 TEAM! I’m back!!! There’s no better way to come back than with a GW1 TEAM build! This is a proven strategy that narrows your options for a fast start.
FPL GW1 Team
🚨 Final GW1 Team 🚨
***UPDATE: This is it! Only one change from the video. FPL priced the only two Leicester goalkeepers at £4m and I’m taking both (£0.5m ITB). Sticking with Pereira versus Liverpool instead of Bailey with the better fixture on paper. Thanks and good luck!!! 👍💯 -Bruno
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Fixture Difficulty cheatsheet.
The latest version of the 2022/23 Fixture Difficulty Cheatsheet is in the works… Once the cheatsheet is back and firing top predictions, I’ll be sure to share it. Thanks! -Bruno
U90 mini league.
READY FOR 2022/23! Free to join. Sign-in to FPL, click the auto-join link below or enter the code. Players from last season are automatically entered. 👍
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Fantasy Premier League strategy.
With a decade-long winning record in the top 1-2%, our Fantasy Premier League tips and tools help managers from all around the world play and win. Considering the total number of players each season, 2018/19 was our best ever, finishing top 0.3% Overall Rank 21k out of 6.3 million! Previous finishes: 13k, 20k, 20k, 21k, 54k, 61k, 63k, 65k, 78k, 119k…
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Rate My Team.
It’s finally time!!! This is my proven strategy for a fast start. I have a few new hacks up my sleeve this season, so stay tuned and enjoy. Thanks for watching and let’s rate your team!